Comic Kitchen: Clay McNab

Comic Kitchen brings together food and fiction, creating a three-course meal based on characters from popular culture. This edition is based on The Hammer Of The Witches, Clay McNab from Tales Of The Frontier. 

A rover, gunslinger and witch hunter, McNab’s taste in food can be described as rustic and simple. Read on to discover his menu.

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Comic Kitchen: Ravager

Comic Kitchen highlights the eating habits of different superheroes and tells their story through the medium of food. There’s something powerful about eating food that makes you feel closer to your heritage. For Rose Wilson, heritage is an integral part of her identity. As the daughter of Deathstroke, Ravager has needed to find a way to step out of her father’s shadow and forge her own legacy.

To do this, Rose has leaned into her Cambodian roots and looked to understand the life of her mother. With that in mind, I’ve come up with a Cambodian inspired menu that mixes western and eastern influences together. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Ravager”

Comic Kitchen: Janissary

Comic Kitchen is a series that puts the spotlight on superheroes and their eating habits. It also brings awareness to food from different cultures. Many countries outside of America have superheroes that defend their nation. Turkey is no different and Selma Tolon, AKA Janissary, has dedicated herself to protecting her country.

No matter how far away from home she was, Janissary would take pride in eating traditional Turkish cuisine. As a former doctor, she’s fully aware of the importance of eating a balanced diet to remain healthy. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Janissary”

The Pop Culture Guide To Creating An Engaging Blogging Series

If I had to name one constant in human history that has continued to bring joy into the lives of people all over the world it would be popular culture. After all, it’s something that we invented and have built upon through film, TV, gaming, comics and many more valuable mediums. Popular culture is a goldmine for writers because there is never a lack of inspiration to draw from, and that extends to blogging as well.

Creating an engaging blogging series is tricky, but by taking cues from pop culture, writers can develop ideas that will keep their readers coming back for more content. For anyone who is planning to create a pop culture inspired blog series, here is a guide that will help you decide on the direction you want to take. Continue reading “The Pop Culture Guide To Creating An Engaging Blogging Series”

Comic Kitchen: Nadia Van Dyne

Food is a great way of helping people get in touch with their culture. Someone born to parents from different countries might have only been able to taste a certain kind of cooking. For example, Nadia Van Dyne, the daughter of Hank Pym and a Hungarian woman called Maria Trovaya, may have grown up with limited exposure to her Hungarian roots.

Nadia’s childhood was spent in the Red Room and she only managed to escape after gaining Pym Particles. Determined to learn more about her parents, Nadia became the second Wasp. After escaping from the Red Room, she would have likely wanted to try as many different dishes as possible. For this edition of Comic Kitchen, I’ve put together a Hungarian inspired menu that would help Nadia feel closer to her heritage. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Nadia Van Dyne”

Comic Kitchen: Loa

Superheroes spend a lot of their time fighting crime, so it’s no wonder that many of them work up an appetite. Comic Kitchen creates a three-course menu for a superhero and provides insight into food they enjoy. For heroes like Loa, food is a source of great joy. A native of Hawaii and member of the X-Men, Loa grew up with some of the most diverse dishes on the planet. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Loa”

Comic Kitchen: Cullen Bloodstone

Brunch is one of the greatest inventions in the history of food. The combination of breakfast and lunch is a recipe for success, with various dishes bringing together the best of both worlds. Brunch can be a sacred ritual to some and a guilty pleasure to others, and for Cullen Bloodstone, brunch represents the latter. This edition of Comic Kitchen focuses on the eating habits of the youngest member of the Bloodstone family and examines why he’s a secret brunch lover. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Cullen Bloodstone”

Comic Kitchen: Wolfsbane

Comic Kitchen is a series that tells the story of a superhero through the food they eat. Scottish food is some of the heartiest in the world and it’s a reflection of the people of Scotland. As a Scottish superhero, Wolfsbane is the ideal character for putting together a Highlands menu. Usually, I’d do a three-course meal. But as Wolfsbane has a large appetite, I’ve created a menu of what she’d eat throughout the day. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Wolfsbane”

Comic Kitchen: Monica Rambeau

Comic Kitchen is a series that creates a three-course menu around a superhero and spotlights unique food. New Orleans is renowned for having some of the most distinctive cuisine in the world. With a range of Creole and Cajun dishes, there’s so much to enjoy. Having grown up in New Orleans, Monica Rambeau is a superhero with great taste in food. I’m pleased to present a collaboration with All Star Lanes on a menu that’s fit for the former Captain Marvel. Seafood and spice come together to bring out the flavours of The Big Easy. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Monica Rambeau”

Comic Kitchen: Pete Wisdom

Everyone has unique eating habits and superheroes are no different. Comic Kitchen tells the story of a character’s diet and what kind of meals they enjoy. Pete Wisdom is man with a lot on his plate. As the head of the British secret service, Wisdom needs to balance his duty to Queen and country with his connection to the international superhero community. To do his job, Wisdom has to stay energised, which is why he’d have a menu that’s based around the best of British food. Continue reading “Comic Kitchen: Pete Wisdom”