Become A Guest Writer

The Comic Vault is open to guest posts that deal with anything comic and pop culture related.

What can I write about?

  • Mental health and comics e.g. How cosplay has helped improve your mental health
  • Character spotlights such as what you admire about your favourite superhero or villain
  • Comic Cover Corner features – A review of your favourite comic cover

These are just some ideas to give you an insight into what kind of articles are acceptable.

What do I get?

  • A link back to your website and free exposure.

Guest blogging is about helping each other grow and being able to write what you’re passionate about.

What are the requirements?

  • Articles should be a minimum of 300 words
  • There can be no spammy links that have no relevance to comics or pop culture
  • Attach an image of yourself or any related to the article in the email and include a short bio

How do I submit a guest post?

Simply email with your idea or article and we’ll take it from there.

I reserve the right to edit where necessary and decline an article if I don’t think it has any benefit to The Comic Vault’s audience.