Moonlit Dreams/Moonlit Nightmares Review: A Haunting Collection By New And Established Writers

The moon has fascinated us for millennia. It’s beautiful, mysterious and intrinsic to how the world functions. But the moon can also bring out the worst in people and encourage the supernatural to enter our lives without warning. From a storytelling perspective, the lunar cycle provides writers with so much inspiration, and that’s happened in the Moonlit Dreams/Moonlit Nightmares anthology published by Antimony and Elder Lace Press.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have one of my short stories, Eleventh Hour, featured in the anthology. But Moonlit Dreams/Moonlight Nightmares contains various stories from talented authors. With that said, here’s a review of a collection that shows the darker, rawer side of human nature. Continue reading “Moonlit Dreams/Moonlit Nightmares Review: A Haunting Collection By New And Established Writers”

10 Female DC Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movie

Ever since DC decided they were going to go head to head with Marvel and create a cinematic universe, the results have been…mixed to say the least. Man Of Steel was controversial for its bleak portrayal of Superman, while Batman Vs Superman birthed a generation of memes more memorable than the actual film. Justice League was plagued by inconsistent storytelling and an anticlimactic villain.

With recent films like Joker and Shazam, DC has started to fix its mistakes. Developers are learning to strike a balance between lighthearted comedy and serious subject matter. The first DC film to do this successfully was Wonder Woman. Praised for its casting, storytelling and relatable themes, Wonder Woman is the gold standard of the DC Extended Universe.

Wonder Woman proved there’s a market for female superheroes to save the day on the silver screen, and she isn’t the only one. The DC Universe is filled with awesome superheroines who deserve to have their stories shared with a wider audience.

By focusing on female-centric films, DC could easily replicate the success of Wonder Woman. More importantly, there’s the opportunity to experiment and create movies that transcend the superhero genre…. Continue reading “10 Female DC Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movie”

Supernatural Superheroes: Shaman

Supernatural Superheroes is a series that puts the spotlight on gothic comic characters and examines their backstory in greater detail. Every culture has their own version of the gothic, and for Native American superheroes like Shaman, it involves a proud tradition of magic. As a member of the Tsuu T’ina tribe and the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight, Michael Twoyoungmen has dedicated himself to protecting the world from occult threats. Read on to find out how the character can be connected to Manchester. Continue reading “Supernatural Superheroes: Shaman”

Why Wonder Woman Would Be An Amazing Mental Health First Aider

Mental health has never been more important than it is now. While many people have become more comfortable with talking about their experiences, there are countless more who are still hesitant to speak out for fear of being judged. When someone takes the time to address mental health, it can be extremely powerful and help to spread more compassion around the subject.

Compassion is a core tenant of being a superhero. And few superheroes are more empathetic than Wonder Woman. Strong, brave and resolute, Diana Prince has all the qualities of a mental health advocate. That’s why she’d made an excellent mental health first aider. Continue reading “Why Wonder Woman Would Be An Amazing Mental Health First Aider”

NerdCore Artists JT Music’s Joker Song Will Have You Smiling From Ear To Ear

Thanks to popular culture, there are certain characters who’ve been immortalised. For better or worse, they inspire reactions and spark debates from fans all over the world. The Joker is one of those characters whose dark mystique has transcended every form of medium. Comics. TV. Movies. Books. Music as well.

With the release of the Joker film, NerdCore artists JT Music have created an original song called ‘From Ear To Ear’ that tells the story of the Clown Prince of Crime. Told from the perspective of how Arthur Fleck sees himself, JT Music’s song is haunting, darkly funny and over the top in the best possible way. Continue reading “NerdCore Artists JT Music’s Joker Song Will Have You Smiling From Ear To Ear”

The God Of Self-Worth: Thor And Depression

Mental health is a complex topic that affects people on different levels. While some are happy to talk about their struggles with disorders like anxiety, others continue to suffer in silence for fear of being perceived as weak. Within the world of comics, humans aren’t the only beings to suffer with their mental health. Gods are just as vulnerable, and even the mighty Thor has fallen victim to thoughts of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

The God of Thunder’s quest to improve his mental health has been the source of many recent Thor stories. Having lost the ability to wield Mjolnir and then fighting to prove his worthiness again, Thor’s struggles are relatable when filtered through the lens of emotional vulnerability. Continue reading “The God Of Self-Worth: Thor And Depression”

What Is An Omega Level Mutant?

The X-Men universe features some of the most powerful characters that Marvel as ever created and a variety of phrases have been invented to explain and categorise the power of mutants. Omega level mutants are meant to be at the top of the list, and while the phrase sounds suitably intimidating, what defines an ‘omega level’ mutant and what exactly does the term mean? Continue reading “What Is An Omega Level Mutant?”

A Tale Of Two Healing Factors: Comparing Daken And Wolverine’s Superpowers

Learning about the superpowers of a comic character is a great way of gaining more insight into their backstory. A superhero like Wolverine is known for having incredible healing abilities, but it can be interesting to see how powers change when they are passed down through generations. Daken, Wolverine’s son, has inherited many of his father’s traits, while also developing powers that are unique to him. Continue reading “A Tale Of Two Healing Factors: Comparing Daken And Wolverine’s Superpowers”

The Pop Culture Guide To Creating An Engaging Blogging Series

If I had to name one constant in human history that has continued to bring joy into the lives of people all over the world it would be popular culture. After all, it’s something that we invented and have built upon through film, TV, gaming, comics and many more valuable mediums. Popular culture is a goldmine for writers because there is never a lack of inspiration to draw from, and that extends to blogging as well.

Creating an engaging blogging series is tricky, but by taking cues from pop culture, writers can develop ideas that will keep their readers coming back for more content. For anyone who is planning to create a pop culture inspired blog series, here is a guide that will help you decide on the direction you want to take. Continue reading “The Pop Culture Guide To Creating An Engaging Blogging Series”

The Boys Review: A Dark, Hilarious Commentary On The Superhero Industrial Machine

In recent times, superheroes have evolved into the most lucrative film industry in the world. With Avengers: Endgame surpassing Avatar as the highest grossing film of all time, there is no doubt that studios will continue to churn out stories of epic confrontations between good and evil. People loving watching superheroes because they remind us that there is always a way to save the day.

But what if the heroes we looked up to weren’t so benevolent? What if they cared more about their status as celebrities? What If they were as fucked up and flawed as the rest of us? Those are the kind of questions that Amazon Prime’s The Boys looks to address. And the answers are fucking diabolical. Continue reading “The Boys Review: A Dark, Hilarious Commentary On The Superhero Industrial Machine”