Edengate #1 Review: An Action-Packed Adventure

Sci-fi is one of the most popular fiction genres and there’s plenty of opportunity to be creative. Illustrator Luke Horsman sent me his debut comic, Edengate #1, a light-hearted sci-fi adventure inspired by ‘80s movies and toys. A robot mechanic called Seraphine stumbles across a secret that could change the universe forever in what turns out to be a fun and action-packed issue.

The story begins with Seraphine landing in Crooknest on the planet Pax. She’s joined by her robot companion Ree-Mo and they go to the market to look for spare parts. Seraphine is snarky and confident, mentioning Ree-Mo would get scrapped by the local population in a matter of minutes. Their dynamic is like a more sarcastic version of the relationship between Luke Skywalker and R2-D2, with Ree-Mo giving as good as he gets.


While Seraphine is haggling she gets a message that her ship, The Bullwhip is being stolen. After returning to her ship, she finds the thief is desperately trying to get away from a group of rampaging monsters. The trio escape to a scrapyard mountain, where Seraphine’s mentor, Balthazar is waiting for her. She barely has time to catch her breath before a band of mercenaries attack the mountain.

The mercenaries are after the thief, who happens to be an engineer with knowledge of something called Edengate. Seraphine jumps into action, taking on the group and rescuing one of the on-site mechs. This highlights her bravery and compassion, as she’s willing to risk her life to save a machine.


The battle is epic, with the kind of explosions you’d find in a high-budget sci-fi film. Horsman paces his story well, and by the end, you’re wanting to read more. His art is colourful, detailed and has a playfulness that matches Seraphanie’s attitude.

Edengate #1 is an impressive debut for a series that’s planned for 6 issues. It’s available on iBooks Kindle and ComiXology. In the next few months, there will be a limited hardcopy print run of 100.

You can purchase Edengate #1 from Horsman’s website. Be sure to check out his art portfolio as well.

Author: thecomicvault

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