400 Followers And A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Recently, I hit 400 followers and I wanted to thank everyone new who’s come across The Comic Vault. As part of a cathartic process and because I want to keep the topic going about depression in young men, I’ve been giving insights into my personal life. Back in January, I posted an article about how I was feeling very low in myself. I didn’t have a job, I had feelings of worthlessness and I felt trapped inside a rut I couldn’t break out of.

Fast forward a few months and I have a full-time job as a copywriter, which is the industry I’ve always wanted to be in. I’ve passed my Masters in Creative Writing and my graduation ceremony is in July. The Comic Vault was recognised as one of the top comic blogs on the internet. I’ve had new poems published and my first novella is coming out later this year as part of an anthology. I’ve made a few new friends and life is generally a lot brighter.

Talking and writing about the positive things is a good reminder of the progress I’ve made and how I want to keep moving forward. I know in my head that I still need to get comfortable with certain things, but for the first time in my life I genuinely feel like there’s a light at the end of my tunnel.

I’ve learned that I’ve become so focused on finding happiness in other people that I’ve lost sight of trying to find it in myself. I think that’s the hardest thing for anyone to do. I’m not there yet but this summer feels like the start of something good.

Thank you again to everyone who has followed me and continues to read my posts. And if there are any other guys out there who feel low in themselves then please remember that you are worth it. Tell it to yourself every day. Talk about your depression with someone you feel comfortable with. Put it out in the open and face it until it starts to lose power.

I understand that feeling and if anyone needs someone to talk to about it then you can email me at ryderj09@hotmail.co.uk

Author: thecomicvault

A place for superheroes, positive mental health and pop culture references. Unlock your inner geek and step inside.

9 thoughts on “400 Followers And A Light At The End Of The Tunnel”

  1. Congratulations! Major life changes for the better and some huge blog numbers! You should be proud of all you have accomplished thus far.
    As a fellow depression-sufferer (though I’m not male), I know it can be hard even with the positive to look forward to, but you seem very cognizant of your condition and that it doesn’t have to be debilitating and ruin your life. So good for you! My positivity now is thanks to the right med combo finally. 🤷‍♀️
    Keep up the good work and I’m always willing to listen!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly! But with depression comes anxiety (for me), so I only mention it when someone brings it up first. I’m on a good balance of meds now: for the longest time I tried to convey that just an anti-depressant alone wouldn’t cut it, and ,any times I just stopped taking them all together. But once I convinced them that I knew what would work from self-medicating, I was able to get on a good regimen.
        I wish there wasn’t such a negative stigma still attached to talking about depression or anxiety. Sigh.


  2. Congratulations on this great achievement. Something you should really be proud of. I think I started following your blog pretty much from the start, and it really amazes me to see how much your blog has grown. So as mentioned, truly something you should take pride in 😊 As someone who also at times has a very low self esteem, it is very heartening to read posts such as these. It is always nice to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how bad things can get. So really glad to read things are going well with you. I really love reading your blog, and have learned a lot of things about the comics world that I did not know. Keep up the great work you are doing 😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

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